
Population Statistics for Rolla

Rolla is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a boys' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 379 (100.00% male, 0.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Rolla for Boys

First Year in the Top 1000: 1880 (earliest year for which we have data)
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1916
Average Age: 130.93
Highest Percentage: 0.022% in 1891
Best Rank: #372 (in 1891)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 27 of 127 years (21.26%)
Total* Male Population in Top 1000: 379

Popularity of the name Rolla for Girls


Percentage Of Babies Named Rolla

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Rolla

About these totals.

Male Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)
Male Population under 10: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Rolla

Similar Male Names

Raleigh Reilly Riley Rollie Rollo Rylee Ryley

Fairly Similar Male Names

Raoul Raul Reilly Riley Roel Roll Rollie Rollo Ruel Rylee Ryley

Roughly Similar Male Names

Rahul Raoul Raul Reilly Riley Roel Roll Rollie Rollo Royal Ruel Rylee Ryley

Loosely Similar Male Names

Admiral Ariel Arlan Arland Arlen Arley Arlie Arlin Arlington Arlis Arlo Arlyn Aurelio Berlin Beryl Beverly Burl Burleigh Burley Burrel Burrell Carl Carleton Carlie Carlisle Carlo Carlos Carlton Carlyle Carol Caroline Carolyn Carrol Carroll Cheryl Curley Cyril Darell Darl Darold Darrel Darrell Darryl Darryle Darryll Daryl Daryle Derald Derl Derrell Deryl Durell Durrell Earl Earle Earley Earlie Early Erland Erle Erling Errol Farrell Ferrell Fitzgerald Garland Garold Gearld General Gerald Geraldo Gerold Giancarlo Harl Harlan Harland Harlen Harley Harlie Harlon Harlow Harold Harrell Harrold Hurley Irl Israel Isreal Jarrell Jerald Jerel Jerold Jerrel Jerrell Jerrold Karl Kimberly Laurel Marilyn Marland Marlin Marlo Marlon Marlyn Mearl Merl Merle Merlin Merlyn Merrill Murl Myrl Oral Orla Orland Orlando Orley Orlin Orlo Parley Pearl Pearley Pearlie Perley Purl Rahul Raleigh Ralph Raoul Raul Reilly Riley Roel Roland Rolando Rolf Roll Rolland Rollie Rollin Rollo Ruel Rylan Ryland Rylee Ryley Sherrill Shirley Starling Sterling Terell Terrell Terrill Thurlow Tyrel Tyrell Uriel Verl Verle Verlin Verlon Verlyn Waverly Worley

Similar Female Names

Reilly Rella Riley Rilla Rillie Rylee Ryleigh Rylie

Fairly Similar Female Names

Reilly Rella Riley Rilla Rillie Rylee Rylie

Roughly Similar Female Names

Reilly Rella Riley Rilla Rillie Rylee Rylie

Loosely Similar Female Names

Amberly April Areli Arely Ariel Arielle Arla Arleen Arlena Arlene Arleth Arletta Arley Arlie Arline Arly Arlyne Aurelia Aurilla Beryl Beverlee Beverley Beverly Carl Carla Carlee Carleen Carlene Carley Carli Carlie Carlota Carlotta Carly Carlyn Carol Carolann Carole Carolee Carolina Caroline Carolyn Carolyne Carolynn Carrol Carroll Caryl Charolette Cherelle Cherilyn Cherrelle Cherryl Cheryl Cheryle Cheryll Coral Coralie Corliss Darla Darleen Darlene Darline Darlyne Daryl Dorla Earl Earlean Earlene Earlie Earline Emerald Erla Erlene Erlinda Erline Esmeralda Gearldine Gerald Geraldine Geralyn Harlene Harley Harold Herlinda Ireland Jeraldine Jerilyn Jerilynn Jerrilyn Jeryl Karel Karla Karlee Karlene Karley Karli Karlie Karly Karol Karolyn Karyl Kimberely Kimberlee Kimberley Kimberli Kimberlie Kimberly Laurel Lorelai Lorelei Lurline Maralyn Mariel Mariela Marilee Marilla Marilou Marilyn Marilynn Marla Marlana Marlee Marleen Marlen Marlena Marlene Marley Marlo Marlyn Marlys Marolyn Marylee Marylin Marylou Marylouise Marylyn Merilyn Merle Merlene Merrilee Merrily Meryl Muriel Murl Myrl Myrle Oral Oralia Orelia Orilla Orlena Pairlee Paralee Parlee Pearl Pearla Pearle Pearlene Pearlie Pearline Pearly Perla Ralph Reilly Rella Riley Rilla Rillie Rolanda Rylee Ryleigh Rylie Scarlet Scarlett Sharla Sharleen Sharlene Sharyl Sherilyn Sherlyn Sherrill Sherryl Sheryl Sheryll Shirl Shirlee Shirleen Shirlene Shirley Shirleyann Shirlie Starla Verla Verlene Verlie Yareli

Anagrams of "Rolla"

— None. —

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Rolla"

Arlo Lora Olar Oral Orla

Names Using Only Letters In "Rolla"

Al Ala Alla Ara Arla Arlo Arra Lala Lalla Lara Lola Lolla Lora Ola Olar Ora Oral Orla Orlo Orra Roll Rollo

Names Using All Letters In "Rolla"

Abelardo Adalberto Alberto Alejandro Alessandro Alexandro Alford Alfredo Algernon Alondra Alvaro Arlington Arlo Arnold Arnoldo Arnulfo Aurelio Bartholomew Braulio Braylon Carleton Carlo Carlos Carlota Carlotta Carlton Carmelo Carol Carolann Carole Carolee Carolina Caroline Carolyn Carolyne Carolynn Carrol Carroll Charlotta Charlotte Charlottie Charlton Charolette Claiborne Cleora Clora Coral Coralie Cordelia Cordella Cornelia Courtland Creola Cristobal Darold Delora Dorla Eldora Eleanor Eleanora Eleanore Elenora Eleonora Elnora Flora Florance Floretta Florian Florida Garold Gaylord Geraldo Giancarlo Glendora Gloria Harlon Harlow Harold Harrold Hilario Karol Karolyn Laron Latoria Lazaro Leandro Lenora Leonard Leonardo Leonora Leora Lisandro Lora Loraine Loran Lorayne Lorean Lorelai Lorena Lorenza Loretta Loria Loriann Lorinda Lorna Lorraine Lorrayne Mallorie Mallory Malorie Marcelino Marcello Marcelo Marchello Marilou Marisol Marlo Marlon Marolyn Marylou Marylouise Milagros Norval Olar Oral Oralia Orelia Orilla Orla Orland Orlando Orlena Orval Randolf Randolph Raoul Reinaldo Renaldo Reynaldo Roland Rolanda Rolando Rolland Ronal Ronald Ronaldo Rondal Rosabelle Rosalee Rosalia Rosalie Rosalind Rosalinda Rosaline Rosalyn Rosella Rowland Royal Rozella Salvador Salvatore Taylor Thorwald Valorie

Males Named "Rolla" by Year

About these figures.


Females Named "Rolla" by Year

— None. —
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