
Population Statistics for Rihanna

Rihanna is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a girls' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 565 (0.00% male, 100.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Rihanna for Boys


Popularity of the name Rihanna for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 2006 (latest year for which we have data)
Last Year in the Top 1000: 2006 (latest year for which we have data)
Average Age: 19.00
Highest Percentage: 0.040% in 2006
Best Rank: #528 (in 2006)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 1 of 127 years (0.79%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 565

Percentage Of Babies Named Rihanna

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Rihanna

About these totals.

Female Population under 60: 565 (100.00%)
Female Population under 50: 565 (100.00%)
Female Population under 40: 565 (100.00%)
Female Population under 30: 565 (100.00%)
Female Population under 20: 565 (100.00%)

Names Similar to Rihanna

Similar Male Names

Reino Reno Ronnie Ronny

Fairly Similar Male Names


Roughly Similar Male Names

Raheem Rahn Rayan Reino Rene Reno Rian Rohan Roma Rome Romeo Romie Ron Ronnie Ronny Rowan Ryan Ryne

Loosely Similar Male Names

Aaron Algernon Amarion Anfernee Arnav Arne Arnett Arnie Arno Arnold Arnoldo Arnulfo Aron Arron Aryan Barnard Barnett Barney Barnie Baron Barron Bernard Bernardo Bernhard Bernice Bernie Bjorn Buren Burnell Burnett Burney Burnice Burnie Burns Byron Cameron Camren Camron Camryn Carnell Catherine Claiborne Clarance Clarence Clarnce Clearence Cornel Cornelious Cornelius Cornell Damarion Daren Darian Darien Darin Darion Darnell Daron Darren Darrian Darrien Darrin Darrion Darron Darryn Daryn Demarion Deron Dorian Earnest Efrain Efren Encarnacion Erin Ernest Ernesto Ernie Ernst Faron Fern Fernand Fernando Florence Florencio Florentino Florian Frances Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie Franklin Franklyn Franz French Friend Garner Garnet Garnett Governor Grant Granville Green Greene Gurney Hernan Irene Jamarion Jaren Jaron Kameron Kamren Kamron Kareen Karen Katherine Kathryn Kieran Laron Laurance Lauren Laurence Lavern Laverne Lawerence Lawrance Lawrence Levern Lilburn Loran Loren Lorenz Lorenza Lorenzo Lorin Loring Lorne Luverne Marian Mariano Marion Marrion Melbourne Milburn Myron Omarion Oran Orange Oren Orin Orion Orren Orrin Osborn Osborne Pernell Pranav Prentice Prentiss Prince Rahn Rance Rand Randal Randall Randel Randell Randle Randolf Randolph Randy Ransom Rayburn Raynard Reinaldo Reinhold Reino Renaldo Renard Rene Reno Reynaldo Reynold Reynolds Rian Rohan Ron Ronal Ronald Ronaldo Ronan Rondal Ronin Ronnie Ronny Ryan Ryne Seaborn Sharon Soren Taurean Terance Terence Terrance Terrence Theron Thornton Toriano Torrance Torrence Turner Tyrin Tyron Tyrone Vern Verna Vernal Verne Vernell Verner Vernie Vernon Victoriano Warner Warren Werner Wilburn

Similar Female Names

Raina Rayna Reanna Reina Rena Renae Renea Renee Rennie Reyna Rianna Roena Rona Roni Ronna Ronnie

Fairly Similar Female Names

Rhianna Rhona

Roughly Similar Female Names

Raina Rayna Rayne Reanna Reina Rena Renae Rene Renea Renee Rennie Reyna Rhianna Rhona Rianna Roena Roma Rona Roni Ronna Ronnie Rowan Rowena Ryan Ryann

Loosely Similar Female Names

Aaron Ariana Ariane Arianna Arnetta Aryana Aryanna Berenice Bernadette Bernadine Bernardine Berneice Bernetta Bernice Berniece Bernita Burnice Cameron Camryn Caren Carin Carina Caron Caryn Catharine Catherine Cathern Cathrine Cathryn Charleen Charlene Charline Clarence Clarinda Clarine Corean Corene Corina Corine Corinna Corinne Cornelia Cornie Corrina Corrine Darian Dariana Doreen Dorene Dorinda Dorine Earnestine Erin Erna Ernest Ernestina Ernestine Eryn Esperanza Fern Fernanda Ferne Florance Florence Florene Florine Fran Franc Frances Francesca Francies Francina Francine Francis Francisca Francisqui Frank Frankie Frona Fronia Fronie Fronnie Garnet Garnett Irena Irene Irine Journey Kaaren Kameron Kamryn Karan Karen Karin Karina Karon Karren Karyn Katarina Katerina Katharina Katharine Katharyn Katherin Katherine Kathern Katheryn Kathrine Kathryn Kathryne Kathyrn Laraine Laureen Lauren Laurene Laurine Lauryn Lavern Laverna Laverne Loraine Lorayne Lorean Loreen Loren Lorena Lorene Lorenza Loriann Lorinda Lorine Lorna Lorraine Lorrayne Lurana Lurena Luverne Maranda Maren Marian Mariana Marianita Mariann Marianna Marianne Marin Marina Marinda Marion Marni Marnie Marnita Maryann Maryanne Maureen Maurine Meranda Merna Miranda Myranda Myrna Noreen Norene Norine Orene Princess Raina Randi Randy Rayna Rayne Reanna Reina Rena Renada Renae Renata Rene Renea Renee Renita Rennie Reyna Rianna Rinda Roena Rona Ronald Ronda Roni Ronna Ronnie Ryan Ryann Sarina Serena Serenity Serina Sharen Sharon Sharonda Sharron Sharyn Sheron Sherron Sophronia Spring Taryn Verena Verna Verne Vernell Vernelle Vernetta Vernia Vernice Vernie Vernita Vernon Verona Veronica Victorine

Anagrams of "Rihanna"


Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Rihanna"


Names Using Only Letters In "Rihanna"

Ah Ana Anahi Ann Anna Ara Arah Ari Aria Ariana Arianna Arra Hana Hanna Hannah Ian Ina Ira Nan Nana Nanna Nia Nina Nira Rahn Raina Rhianna Rian Rianna

Names Using All Letters In "Rihanna"

Catharine Catherine Cathrine Charline Charmaine Christena Christian Christiana Christina Hardin Harding Harrison Henrietta Herlinda Hermina Herminia Hortencia Hortensia Katharina Katharine Katherin Katherine Kathrine Parthenia Rhianna Rhiannon Sheridan Shirleyann Sophronia

Males Named "Rihanna" by Year

— None. —

Females Named "Rihanna" by Year

About these figures.

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