
Population Statistics for Lelar

Lelar is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a girls' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 178 (0.00% male, 100.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Lelar for Boys


Popularity of the name Lelar for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1883
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1903
Average Age: 130.80
Highest Percentage: 0.009% in 1883
Best Rank: #633 (in 1883)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 14 of 127 years (11.02%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 178

Percentage Of Babies Named Lelar

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Lelar

About these totals.

Female Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Lelar

Similar Male Names

— None. —

Fairly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Roughly Similar Male Names

— None. —

Loosely Similar Male Names


Similar Female Names

Liller Lular

Fairly Similar Female Names

Liller Lular

Roughly Similar Female Names

Liller Lular

Loosely Similar Female Names

Liller Lular

Anagrams of "Lelar"

Ellar Rella

Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Lelar"

Earl Earle Ellar Erla Larae Lera Rella

Names Using Only Letters In "Lelar"

Al Ala Alla Ara Arla Arra Earl Earle Ela Ell Ella Ellar Elle Eller Era Erla Erle Lala Lalla Lara Larae Le Lea Leala Lee Lela Lella Lera Rae Rella

Names Using All Letters In "Lelar"

Abelardo Adalberto Adelard Adelbert Adriel Albert Alberta Albertha Albertina Albertine Alberto Albertus Alejandra Alejandro Alessandra Alessandro Alexander Alexandr Alexandra Alexandre Alexandrea Alexandria Alexandro Alexzander Alferd Alfred Alfreda Alfredo Alger Algernon Almer Alver Alvera Alverda Alverta Amberly Arabella Araceli Aracely Ardelia Ardell Ardella Ardelle Areli Arely Ariel Arielle Arleen Arlen Arlena Arlene Arleth Arletta Arley Arlie Arline Arlyne Artelia Arvel Aurelia Aurelio Bartholomew Bartley Birdella Bradley Braelyn Brantley Braylen Carlee Carleen Carlene Carleton Carley Carlie Carlisle Carlyle Carmel Carmela Carmelita Carmella Carmelo Carnell Carole Carolee Caroline Carolyne Chalmer Chalmers Chandler Charle Charlee Charleen Charlene Charles Charley Charlie Charline Charlize Charlotte Charlottie Charlsie Charolette Claiborne Claire Clarabelle Clarance Clare Clarence Claribel Clarice Clarine Clarke Clarnce Clearence Cleora Coralie Cordelia Cordella Cornelia Creola Darell Darleen Darlene Darline Darlyne Darnell Darrel Darrell Darryle Daryle Dellar Delmar Delora Derald Earl Earle Earlean Earlene Earley Earlie Earline Early Elberta Eldora Eleanor Eleanora Eleanore Elenora Eleonora Elfreda Elfrieda Ellar Elmira Elmyra Elnora Elvera Elvira Emerald Erla Erland Erlinda Esmeralda Estrella Farrell Fitzgerald Florance Floretta Gabriel Gabriela Gabriella Gabrielle Garfield Gearld Gearldine General Gerald Geraldine Geraldo Geralyn Glendora Gracelyn Graciela Granville Griselda Halbert Harlen Harlene Harley Harlie Harrell Hartley Hartwell Herlinda Hildegard Hildegarde Hjalmer Ireland Israel Isreal Jarrell Jerald Jeraldine Karel Karlee Karlene Karley Karlie Lakendra Lambert Larae Laraine Larue Latrell Latrice Laurance Laureen Laurel Lauren Laurence Laurene Lauretta Laurette Laurie Laurine Lavera Lavern Laverna Laverne Lawerence Lawrance Lawrence Lawyer Leander Leandra Leandro Leaner Leatrice Lenard Lenora Leonard Leonardo Leonora Leora Lera Levar Loraine Lorayne Lorean Lorelai Lorena Lorenza Loretta Lorraine Lorrayne Luberta Lucretia Lurena Mallorie Malorie Marcel Marcela Marcelina Marceline Marcelino Marcella Marcelle Marcello Marcellus Marcelo Marchello Mardell Maribel Maricela Mariel Mariela Marilee Marisela Markel Markell Marlee Marleen Marlen Marlena Marlene Marley Martell Marvel Marybelle Maryellen Marylee Marylouise Mearl Miracle Orelia Orlena Pairlee Palmer Paralee Parlee Parley Pearl Pearla Pearle Pearlene Pearley Pearlie Pearline Pearly Percival Perla Permelia Rachael Racheal Rachel Rachelle Racquel Rafael Rafaela Raleigh Randel Randell Randle Raphael Raquel Rayfield Reginal Reginald Reinaldo Rella Renaldo Reynaldo Rosabelle Rosalee Rosalie Rosaline Rosella Rozella Salvatore Scarlet Scarlett Sharleen Sharlene Shirleyann Tayler Valarie Valeria Valerie Valery Valorie Verla Vernal Waldemar Walker Walter Wardell Waverly Yareli

Males Named "Lelar" by Year

— None. —

Females Named "Lelar" by Year

About these figures.

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