
Population Statistics for Arta

Arta is represented in the Top 1000 exclusively as a girls' name.
Total* Population in Top 1000: 11 (0.00% male, 100.00% female) [source]

Popularity of the name Arta for Boys


Popularity of the name Arta for Girls

First Year in the Top 1000: 1881
Last Year in the Top 1000: 1884
Average Age: 142.09
Highest Percentage: 0.005% in 1884
Best Rank: #859 (in 1884)
Represented in the Top 1000 names in: 2 of 127 years (1.57%)
Total* Female Population in Top 1000: 11

Percentage Of Babies Named Arta

Note: Only names in the Top 1000 for each year are represented. [source] Values are normalized for boys and girls to compare trends (vertical scales differ for boys and girls).
Line chart

Age Distribution of Arta

About these totals.

Female Population under 60: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 50: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 40: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 30: 0 (0.00%)
Female Population under 20: 0 (0.00%)

Names Similar to Arta

Similar Male Names


Fairly Similar Male Names

Art Artie

Roughly Similar Male Names

Art Artie

Loosely Similar Male Names

Adalberto Adelbert Albert Alberto Albertus Art Artie Artis Arturo Barrett Bart Bartley Barton Bert Bertie Berton Birt Burt Burton Carter Charlton Colbert Cortez Cortney Courtland Courtney Curt Curtis Curtiss Delbert Ebert Egbert Elbert Ethelbert Everet Everett Everette Evert Evertt Ewart Fritz Garett Garret Garrett Gerrit Gilbert Gilberto Halbert Hart Hartley Hartwell Hebert Herbert Heriberto Hilbert Hobart Hobert Horatio Horton Hubert Humberto Hurbert Jaret Jarett Jarret Jarrett Karter Kirt Kurt Kurtis Lambert Margaret Margarito Mart Martell Martez Martin Marty Merritt Merton Mortimer Morton Myrtle Norbert Norberto Norton Porter Pratt Rigoberto Ritchie Robert Roberto Rupert Severt Stewart Stuart Tolbert Wilbert Wirt

Similar Female Names


Fairly Similar Female Names

Arietta Artie

Roughly Similar Female Names

Aretha Arietta Artie

Loosely Similar Female Names

Albert Alberta Albertina Albertine Alverta Arietta Artelia Artie Bert Berta Bertie Bertina Birtie Charity Charlotta Charlotte Charlottie Coretta Cortney Courtney Doretta Elberta Floretta Gertie Greta Gretchen Gretta Harriet Harriett Harriette Henretta Henrietta Henriette Hortencia Hortense Hortensia Joretta Kortney Kourtney Lauretta Laurette Liberty Loretta Loretto Luberta Margaret Margarete Margarett Margaretta Margarette Margarita Margarite Margeret Margret Margrett Margretta Marguerite Margueritta Margurite Marietta Marita Maritza Marta Marti Martika Martina Martine Marty Mertie Mirtie Monserrat Montserrat Myrta Myrtice Myrtie Myrtis Myrtle Noreta Noretta Norita Portia Reta Retta Rettie Rita Robert Roberta Sarita Sharita Sherita Syreeta Vertie Yaretzi Yaritza

Anagrams of "Arta"


Names Using All Letters of, and Only Letters in "Arta"

Art Tara

Names Using Only Letters In "Arta"

Ara Arra Art Tara

Names Using All Letters In "Arta"

Adalberto Adelbert Albert Alberta Albertha Albertina Albertine Alberto Albertus Alverta Anitra Araminta Ardath Ardeth Ardith Aretha Arietta Arleth Arletta Arlington Arminta Armstead Arnett Arnetta Art Artelia Arther Arthor Arthur Artie Artis Arturo Astrid Aurthur Auther Author Authur Autry Barnett Barrett Bart Bartholomew Bartley Barton Baxter Beatrice Beatrix Beatriz Bernadette Bernetta Bernita Berta Bertha Bertina Bertram Bertrand Birtha Brandt Brant Brantley Braxton Britany Britta Brittaney Brittani Brittanie Brittany Brittnay Bryant Carleton Carlota Carlotta Carlton Carmelita Carter Catharine Catherine Cathern Cathrine Cathryn Catrina Charity Charlotta Charlotte Charlottie Charlton Charolette Christa Christal Christena Christian Christiana Christina Chrystal Coretta Courtland Crista Cristal Cristian Cristina Cristobal Crysta Crystal Demetra Demetria Dorathea Dorathy Doretha Doretta Dorotha Dorothea Dortha Dorthea Earnest Earnestine Eartha Easter Elberta Enriqueta Erastus Ernestina Estrella Ewart Fitzgerald Floretta Gaither Garett Garnet Garnett Garret Garrett Garth Georgetta Gerhardt Gertha Girtha Grafton Grant Greta Gretta Halbert Harriet Harriett Harriette Hart Hartley Hartwell Heather Henretta Henrietta Hertha Hobart Horatio Hortencia Hortensia Jaret Jarett Jarret Jarrett Joretta Karter Katarina Katerina Katharina Katharine Katharyn Katherin Katherine Kathern Katheryn Kathrine Kathryn Kathryne Kathyrn Katrina Krista Kristal Kristan Kristian Kristina Krysta Krystal Krystina Lambert Latarsha Latoria Latrell Latrice Latricia Latrina Lauretta Laurette Leatrice Loretta Luberta Lucretia Macarthur Margaret Margarete Margaretha Margarett Margaretta Margarette Margarita Margarite Margarito Margeret Marget Margot Margret Margrett Margretta Marguerite Margueritta Margurite Marianita Maribeth Marietta Marita Maritza Markita Marnita Marquita Mart Marta Martell Martez Martha Marti Martika Martin Martina Martine Marty Marybeth Mcarthur Monserrat Montserrat Myrta Noreta Noretta Norita Parthenia Patric Patrica Patrice Patricia Patrick Petra Portia Pratt Reatha Renata Renita Reta Retha Retta Rheta Rita Roberta Rosetta Rosita Rutha Ruthann Ruthanne Salvatore Sarita Scarlet Scarlett Shafter Sharita Shatara Sherita Stafford Stanford Star Starla Starling Starr Steward Stewart Stuart Syreeta Tamara Tambra Tamera Tamra Tanner Tara Tarah Tari Tarik Tariq Tarsha Taryn Taurean Taurus Tavares Tavaris Tayler Taylor Tera Terance Teresa Teressa Terra Terrance Theadore Theodora Theresa Theresia Therman Thora Thorwald Thresa Thurman Thursa Thyra Tiara Tiarra Tiera Tierra Toccara Toriano Torrance Trace Tracee Tracey Traci Tracie Tracy Trae Travis Travon Trayvon Treasure Treena Tremaine Tremayne Trena Tresa Tressa Treva Tricia Trina Trinidad Trisha Trista Tristan Tristian Trula Trumaine Truman Trystan Tyra Vernetta Vernita Victoria Victoriano Walter Yaretzi Yaritza

Males Named "Arta" by Year

— None. —

Females Named "Arta" by Year

About these figures.

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