The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1906. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 118 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1906 Male

1. Ryan (debut #845, peak #11 in 1986)2. Armando (debut #857, peak #205 in 1997)3. Rodolfo (debut #912, peak #314 in 1981)4. Quinton (debut #908, peak #297 in 1990)5. Lyndon (debut #976, peak #347 in 1964)6. Luciano (debut #974, peak #704 in 2006)7. Denzil (debut #949, peak #589 in 1937)8. Delmas (debut #948, peak #565 in 1907)9. Domenico (debut #807, peak #807 in 1906)10. Lucille (debut #831, peak #788 in 1909)11. Harrold (debut #820, peak #820 in 1906)12. Benard (debut #860, peak #860 in 1906)13. Vera (debut #998, peak #998 in 1906)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1906 Female

1. Marilyn (debut #758, peak #13 in 1936)2. Annamae (debut #922, peak #605 in 1922)3. Evelyne (debut #852, peak #566 in 1919)4. Elease (debut #930, peak #739 in 1923)5. Rosaline (debut #997, peak #764 in 1928)6. Dimple (debut #879, peak #800 in 1919)7. Williemae (debut #962, peak #957 in 1911)
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