The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1905. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 119 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1905 Male

1. Quentin (debut #987, peak #220 in 1919)2. Toby (debut #991, peak #190 in 1975)3. Leonardo (debut #973, peak #184 in 2006)4. Darrel (debut #754, peak #244 in 1939)5. Carlo (debut #938, peak #472 in 1923)6. Tyree (debut #914, peak #405 in 1998)7. Verlin (debut #992, peak #543 in 1929)8. Domenick (debut #673, peak #619 in 1925)9. Eliot (debut #858, peak #799 in 1960)10. Arne (debut #925, peak #724 in 1916)11. Winthrop (debut #997, peak #893 in 1911)12. Hoke (debut #871, peak #682 in 1907)13. Hansel (debut #959, peak #959 in 1905)14. Pauline (debut #902, peak #902 in 1905)15. Graydon (debut #765, peak #765 in 1905)16. Fredie (debut #808, peak #808 in 1905)17. Bell (debut #932, peak #932 in 1905)18. Jiles (debut #965, peak #965 in 1905)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1905 Female

1. Beverly (debut #933, peak #14 in 1937)2. Renee (debut #919, peak #62 in 1967)3. Yolanda (debut #733, peak #90 in 1972)4. Doretha (debut #935, peak #502 in 1932)5. Vincenza (debut #711, peak #636 in 1913)6. Astrid (debut #931, peak #727 in 1907)7. Wava (debut #967, peak #967 in 1905)8. Edrie (debut #634, peak #577 in 1908)9. Ardath (debut #875, peak #875 in 1905)10. Edra (debut #803, peak #803 in 1905)11. Orma (debut #845, peak #845 in 1905)12. Ilda (debut #860, peak #860 in 1905)13. Beadie (debut #932, peak #932 in 1905)14. Neola (debut #952, peak #952 in 1905)15. Vela (debut #964, peak #964 in 1905)
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