
Source: All Top 1000 raw name data used by is from the USA Social Security Administration Top 1000 Baby Name Data. This data does not list every single individual with the name, only the names of people that have been included in the SSA data in the United States between the years 1880 to 2006 and are in the Top 1000 names of each year. Data is processed for name similarity using proprietary algorithms.

Please Note! The "Total" populations listed are actually the totals for the populations in the Top 1000, not the entire USA population. If a name is not listed as being used in a particular year, that simply means that not enough people used that name to make it into the Top 1000 names. Depending on the year, there may acutally be hundreds of people using that name. (For example, in 2005, if a female name were used fewer than 241 times, it was not listed in the Top 1000.) The data used on this site should be used only for comparing trends, not for actual population statistics.

Credits uses baby name data from the following United States Government source: uses the following open-source libraries: uses royalty-free stock photography from:
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