The last year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1978. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone younger than 47 with the name.

Last Year in Top 1000 was 1978 Male

1. Roscoe (peaked at #117 in 1888)2. Chuck (peaked at #218 in 1960)3. Kermit (peaked at #175 in 1909)4. Gus (peaked at #121 in 1882)5. Rob (peaked at #334 in 1963)6. Richie (peaked at #527 in 1964)7. Alfonzo (peaked at #678 in 1909)8. Chip (peaked at #597 in 1962)9. Tobin (peaked at #720 in 1971)10. Michale (peaked at #792 in 1954)11. Dax (peaked at #714 in 1973)12. Kenya (peaked at #663 in 1973)13. Dedric (peaked at #815 in 1977)14. Rahsaan (peaked at #744 in 1973)15. Taurus (peaked at #782 in 1976)16. Karim (peaked at #867 in 1977)17. Lydell (peaked at #952 in 1977)18. Hasan (peaked at #952 in 1978)

1978 was Last Year in Top 1000 Female

1. Patty (peaked at #139 in 1959)2. Trudy (peaked at #238 in 1946)3. Rosalind (peaked at #292 in 1942)4. Suzette (peaked at #341 in 1967)5. Benita (peaked at #445 in 1961)6. Caren (peaked at #481 in 1957)7. Melodie (peaked at #452 in 1956)8. Danita (peaked at #549 in 1958)9. Sharla (peaked at #638 in 1972)10. Corinna (peaked at #698 in 1970)11. Carie (peaked at #550 in 1976)12. Melonie (peaked at #766 in 1973)13. Karri (peaked at #726 in 1976)14. Imelda (peaked at #770 in 1911)15. Toya (peaked at #675 in 1976)16. Susannah (peaked at #804 in 1882)17. Christel (peaked at #765 in 1978)18. Tennille (peaked at #299 in 1976)19. Shonna (peaked at #780 in 1977)20. Nicola (peaked at #761 in 1972)21. Latarsha (peaked at #814 in 1976)22. Mendy (peaked at #789 in 1974)23. Kizzie (peaked at #481 in 1880)24. Mandie (peaked at #735 in 1975)25. Khalilah (peaked at #718 in 1976)26. Ariane (peaked at #887 in 1978)27. Somer (peaked at #931 in 1978)28. Kindra (peaked at #964 in 1978)
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