The first year the name was in the Top 1000 names was 1890. That means it is somewhat unlikely to find someone older than 134 with the name.

First Year in Top 1000 was 1890 Male

1. Eduardo (debut #638, peak #112 in 2001)2. Xavier (debut #812, peak #78 in 2006)3. Teddy (debut #986, peak #239 in 1933)4. Robbie (debut #978, peak #259 in 1963)5. Cornell (debut #914, peak #474 in 1952)6. Mckinley (debut #853, peak #137 in 1896)7. Val (debut #988, peak #523 in 1952)8. Loyal (debut #555, peak #555 in 1890)9. Mildred (debut #960, peak #465 in 1903)10. Charlton (debut #821, peak #821 in 1890)11. Bentley (debut #896, peak #896 in 1890)12. Esther (debut #928, peak #512 in 1895)13. Mae (debut #956, peak #789 in 1909)14. Sigurd (debut #983, peak #757 in 1891)15. Ester (debut #927, peak #687 in 1910)16. Maggie (debut #652, peak #652 in 1890)17. Shellie (debut #871, peak #862 in 1895)18. Mansfield (debut #714, peak #714 in 1890)19. Sing (debut #804, peak #804 in 1890)20. Needham (debut #654, peak #654 in 1890)21. Ras (debut #725, peak #725 in 1890)22. Eula (debut #833, peak #833 in 1890)23. Claudius (debut #907, peak #781 in 1893)24. Owens (debut #969, peak #956 in 1896)25. Guilford (debut #775, peak #775 in 1890)26. Polk (debut #861, peak #861 in 1890)27. Conard (debut #912, peak #912 in 1890)28. Neely (debut #964, peak #964 in 1890)29. Rance (debut #973, peak #973 in 1890)30. Red (debut #975, peak #975 in 1890)31. Almus (debut #1000, peak #1000 in 1890)

First Year in Top 1000 was 1890 Female

1. Erin (debut #960, peak #18 in 1983)2. Jamie (debut #805, peak #18 in 1976)3. Reva (debut #929, peak #352 in 1921)4. Bernardine (debut #876, peak #776 in 1931)5. Hildred (debut #849, peak #473 in 1898)6. Madaline (debut #809, peak #620 in 1906)7. Vonnie (debut #938, peak #836 in 1936)8. Myrl (debut #985, peak #637 in 1899)9. Gerda (debut #893, peak #892 in 1899)10. Hazelle (debut #895, peak #825 in 1896)11. Verena (debut #869, peak #869 in 1890)12. Nobie (debut #925, peak #925 in 1890)13. Forrest (debut #891, peak #891 in 1890)14. Forest (debut #890, peak #838 in 1897)15. Clemence (debut #881, peak #881 in 1890)16. Signa (debut #997, peak #901 in 1892)17. Fleeta (debut #738, peak #738 in 1890)18. Sibbie (debut #868, peak #868 in 1890)19. Ethie (debut #963, peak #963 in 1890)20. Jessye (debut #974, peak #974 in 1890)21. Jetta (debut #975, peak #975 in 1890)
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